Office Relocation 2018 & 2019

James CampbellPlanned Maintenance, Risk Assessment, Service

Office Relocation

Office Relocation – One Year Later! Office Relocation – Tempest fugit, meaning “time flies”. We have almost completed a full year at our new offices and I can hardly believe it. I was once told that we overestimate what we can do in a day and underestimate what can be achieved in a year, I now really understand the importance … Read More

Gate Maintenance Contract Quoting

Ritchie BignellService

Gate Maintenance Contract – Pricing Customers frequently ask us to give a quote for a gate maintenance contract for one or more of their sites. When we submit a quote by return, they often ask, “Don’t you need to conduct a site visit?” It started us thinking as to why this might be the case. So, we thought we would explain … Read More

Gate Companies

Ritchie BignellRisk Assessment, Service

Gate companies

Why Are Gate Companies Often Not Local?   Should this be a concern? We are frequently asked by prospective new customers where our office is and when we tell them, they will often reply ‘that’s a long way away’ from us. It started us thinking as to why this might be an issue and possibly a barrier to securing their business. … Read More