The Frogs Blabbed

James CampbellControl Box, Planned Maintenance, Risk Assessment, video

Electric Gate Risk Assessment

So far, this year we have dealt with Frogs & Toads, Slugs and a myriad of other animals wishing to make a comfy home out of a gate Control Boxes and the Foundation Boxes.

Just as a reminder we posted earlier this year

1. The Slug Cook Out –
2. The Frog & Toad Mix-up –

Now the Frog has let the Cat out of the Bag! It’s driving us Bats!
At our latest gate risk assessment, we met up with our next best friend – Snails!

We love the fact that we might see new animals at our next inspection, and we like to make this news. However, it does have a serious side…

The HSE recommends that every gate installation has a full risk assessment completed with any recommendations made, to be acted upon. Company Directors are liable for injuries, deaths or other RIDDOR issues that are investigated by the HSE in relation to gates operated by their company or organisation. Whilst the animal infestation might look very innocent, they can cause all sorts of gate failures, as well as wiring issues. which if left can result in costly repairs.

Private homes with automated gates are not liable in the same way. However, if children live at or are visitors to the home, would you not want the peace of mind that your gates are safe? If an accident involving an automated gate does occur, it is important to note that the last gate company who attended the gate will also be investigated. If the gate is found to have been non-compliant, the Directors of the gate company could be prosecuted. Therefore it is very likely that gates that are found to be non-compliant but are otherwise fully operational will be switched off and left open, reducing site security.

So, don’t let the grass grow! after all you don’t know what hiding looking for an opportunity to make a new home in you gate!